Tag Archives: beyond

Dear Friends and fellow adventurers Mr. Mouse’s writing journey

Dear Friends and Fellow Adventurer’s of The Mouse’s Dairy

Today as your Author I would like to share with you a Journey. This Journey is no ordinary Journey oh no not by a long shot it is the Journey of how Mr. Mouse came to life.

This tale is taken from a time when I was deeply involved in several other forms of writing poems, short stories of a different kind. I was also assisting a friend whom also loves to write but to date has not yet published her story which I believe will be loved by many of you as well.

So where to begin?
I think the beginning is as good a place as any.
I take you back now the night was the 18th of September 2012 I remember it well. I was talking online through Yahoo messenger with a friend. The hour tis was late given the times zone between here and my friend in Canada. But aside we were talking about books more so a project she has been working on for some time now. When the worst happened she could not think of what she wanted to use as her next part in the realm of mystical events within what has been shaping up to be a real entertaining tale.

That is where I came in….. first I asked her about the setting she was trying to paint into words. Then we spoke about several other ideas none of which she found interesting. After that I offered the thought of new Characters two of which happened to be a mouse and a raccoon again none of these were acceptable. Which is where we left that conversation to talk more general till I said good night; and made sleep zone ending another wonderful day.

The next morning I woke with a head full of ideas based around the Mouse and the Raccoon it was here on the 19th September 2012 I did put text upon my word document to write the very first adventure of Mr. Mouse a name my friend later gave me.

Now it was not as simple as that for yes I had the idea and yes I had the story burning with great desire to be written down. And while I did draft Mr. Mouse’s first adventure that day. I then had to read what I wrote.
This became the next stage in Mr. Mouse’s journey to you. While I was reading I soon found myself applying many of my skill as an author fashioning the craft of the writing profession. Shaping the mould into a style of story known as Storytelling. This long forgotten method rarely used and snob by critics world wide due to it’s special grammar rules, bought out a challenge in me something I was not even sure if all my skills I have been gifted with could meet.
For me this meant I had to consider these following points
1. Theme
2. Expression
3. Content
4. Visual presentation
5. And lastly if Mr. Mouse’s adventures would be suitable for all ages to read
Having finally thought these through, I then proceed with the reading of the draft copy. During this time I was now able to start the next step. Styling Mr. Mouse’s Diary into an entertaining adventure. But before I being I need to back up a little as I had shown Mr. Mouse’s tale to my friend just to see if she liked the story or not needless to say she said I should get Mr. Mouse published for everyone to read. Had it not been for my friend’s instance Mr. Mouse would have sat on the shelf along with my other stories. I am sure there is many happy children now who are grateful my dear friend is instant.

Next after having styled Mr. Mouse’s diary I began looking around for someone to publish his adventure so children could someday be able to read or listen to their loving parents read to them the wonderful adventures these two critters embarked upon.

What I found was traditional well known publishers were only interested in publishing stories from authors who had work for them for many years. Not to worry it was then put to me to try self publishing this was a new term to me and I did some research which soon had me in touch with the wonder people at Xlibris. From start to finish of each new story Xlibris and I have shared a wonderful time building up from the first seen diary to the printed book. Which involved many steps along the way. I do thank Xlibris’s wonderful team whom work with me hand in hand. Now once the book had been completed the next step was pricing which again Xlibris set as cheap as they could for you while covering all the cost of printing to taxes. I note here the Traditional publishing house’s would have charged almost double the price you are now able to buy Mr. Mouse’s series.

Lastly we come to the sharing the news with you Dear Friends and Fellow Adventurers. Firstly there was several articles posted in the mainstream media which has been meet with a wonderful response. Next I was told I should share the news of Mr. Mouse online and soon I found my self on facebook with Mr. Mouse’s own page where all the latest events happen get shared first hand.

So far thanks to the love and wonderful support of Mr. Mouse’s dear Friends and Fellow adventures we now currently have these four exciting Diaries published
1. The Mouse’s Diary
2. The Underworld and Beyond
3. Water of Woes
4. Words of Paper
And that is not where it all ends for soon Volume 5 called Test Of Friendship is just a few short weeks away now.
I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about me and the adventure I have taken to bring to you Mr. Mouse
God Bless you for taking the time to read and support Mr. Mouse

Ps. If you have never seen where you can get Mr. Mouse’s Diary from here is a link with my complements
Ken Donaldson Author of The Mouse’s Diary and Honors recipient of Covington Who’s Who 2013. The leading Industry ranking Registrar for the best of the best in Professional Standards


The Diary Adventures so far

Dear Friends and Fellow Adventurers of The Mouse’s Diary series
What a wonderful journey we have been delighted with so far.
You may remember in volume 1 The Mouse’s Diary.
We got to share in a marvelous feast only to find the Mouse trapped inside a cage with the sounds of cackling near by. Oh what a cliff hanger moment that truly was.

Next in volume 2 The Underworld and Beyond.
We got to share in the fun and games as the Mouse and the Raccoon played and laugh during a game of tag among the candy canes. What an exciting place the Mouse and the Raccoon were treated to that day.

Then in volume 3 Water of Woes.
How could we forget just how bad the Mouse would have felt after meeting those two unfriendly dogs. The Mouse certainly has been adventuring far and wide to take us on this journey.

I wonder what surprises Mr. Mouse has to saved up for us in Volume 4 Words of Paper?…..
